Gayatri Lalitpur Roadways Limited (GLRL)



Gayatri Lalitpur Roadways Limited is an SPV incorporated for the purpose of Design, Construction, Development, Finance, Operation and Maintenance of km 49.700 to km 99.005 covering 49.305 km of National Highway No. 26 (NH-26) in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The Concession Agreement was signed with NHAI in Sept 2006 and Concession was granted for 20 years (2.5 Years Construction Period and 17.5 Years Operations Period). NHAI will pay the SPV a Semi-Annual Annuity of Rs. 23.95 Crores during the operations period (per annum the annuity is Rs.47.90 crores).

Final COD : The final completion certificate is issued by the indipendent consultant vide their letter dated 13th Novermber, 2017. The final completion date is 19th March, 2012

Major Maintenance Work : 1st Major Maintenance Work was completed in June, 2017 and completion certificate in this regard is issued by independent consultant.

Project Details Location
Project Linking From km 46.1 on NH26 to Lalitpur at km 94 on NH26
Granting Authority National Highways Authority of India
State Uttar Pradesh
Project Length(km) 50
Concession Period 20 Years
Concession Ends 31st March, 2027
Toll/Annunity Annuity
Semi Annuity Post COD (Rs:Cr) 23.95
Scope Of Work 2 to 4 laning
GHL Stake 51%
CA Signing Date 29 Sept 2006
Appointed Date 1 Apr 2007
PCOD 31 July 2010
Project Cost (Rs Crores) 297.00
Equity(Rs.Crores) 60.00
Senior Debt (Rs.Crores) 230.02
Sub Debt (Rs.Crores) 18.71
Grant (Rs.Crores) -
Annuity per annum (Rs.Crores) 47.90
Current status Operational, generated Annuity Revenue of Rs.47.90 Crores in FY17